I was listening to someone talk about how we teach children how to take tests but we don't teach them how to live........and after all what is the most important thing we can teach another human being, the act of participating in this journey we call life......we are all so filled with knowledge inside of our overstuffed brains, but the knowledge of greatest import is that stored within our hearts and our emotional memories..........how to talk of integrity, a personal morality, compassion, understanding, gratitude, and living out the purpose hidden within our deepest core.........these questions are always at the heart of my creative mind.........and in this time of educational cuts, the cuts in the arts are an attempted death blow to the future and creativity of a future generation......................I'm currently struggling with a script which explores the root of creativity and the artistic soul. As I slowly work through many ideas, I am confronted with two words, cooperation and compromise. On their surface, they seem to be alike, but they couldn't be more opposite.........I think of all the people who have told me to compromise my vision for the sake of "getting something done"....this way you can get into the business and afterwards, you can create what you want on your own terms........the more I think of this, the more I understand why my life and career has proceeded the way it has........deep in my being, I am incapable of compromise. The very word imparts a deep uneasiness in the deepest part of my being.........once compromise has begun in any aspect of my nature, the seed for destruction of my spirit has been planted.........I've come to realize that the act of compromise is directly related to my lack of faith. When I am truly connected to my highest self and the inspiration which comes from a connection to a universal whole, a whole which knows no separation , I am one with all that is, and my true purpose glows before me and I am incapable of compromise. Compromise degrades your spirit, your soul, your very being and no matter what justification you give yourself, you are planting the seed of your artistic and spiritual destruction, like a cancer, it will slowly spread and gradually overtake you.......and once it is complete, you will forget what you once believed and expertly justify your new course of action................but cooperation is something different, cooperation acknowledges a greater whole, it acknowledges another's purpose, and together, two or three may become a greater whole.........it becomes a collaboration.......and I think that it is what we have been put on this earth to do....to COLLABORATE! The best relationships, the greatest love stories, the most passionate connections are borne from an inner need for connection and collaboration..........we are all individuals searching, attempting to repair the break, the separation from a higher whole........I think this is what attracts us to new people, new lovers, new friends, and new projects, and if we have the faith and integrity to live out our purpose, we will walk in a new world and create beauty which has yet to be seen. I will not compromise who I am, who I love, and what and how I create. This creation which we call the human experience is counting on us all to step up to our potential and not compromise our highest promise and potential. So I stay open to the unexpected, welcome the new journey and choose not to question my own integrity and my own as well as others unique point of view....................
...............................................I welcome the unknown and take strength from walking a path not yet taken, no matter where it may lead.
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