Sunday, May 29, 2011


I have been thinking of silence lately and how it is an integral part of the creative process.   I've realized that the more I am able to create time and space in my life, even in small intervals to integrate silence into my being, the more I am able to connect with what I sense as my creative source.  Silence is an interesting thing because it requires more effort than one might think.  In my life I have spent long periods of time on various quests where I go to be alone and quiet, to connect with the source.  During these times I have come to realize that the act of sitting alone and being quiet doesn't constitute silence.  It is the ability to quiet our ever chattering minds that is the real goal.  I have discovered that for me it all begins with allowing myself the time, space and solitude, without the guilt of feeling that I'm lying around wasting my time being lazy or doing nothing that is most important.

We are all so conscious of developing our minds, our careers, our relationships, that we often overlook that in order to have success in any of these pursuits we need to develop what is inside ourselves..  First we must look inside, sometimes at things we have buried and don't want to look at,  We must slowly and gently approach those aspects of ourselves that so often we deny.  All growth begins with self realization and all creative leaps are rooted in that very space.   Silence is the tool to uncover our hidden resources.   We need to create the balance our creative beings thirst for by giving ourselves the space inside ourselves to connect to a different voice. We are always surrounded by people and voices not just around us, but as we attempt to be quiet,, their voices both past and present continue their incessant dialogue inside our minds. 

As full spiritual beings, we have been given powerful tools by which to grow and develop the unique abilities we each have.  Through the years, we have forgotten the simple but most powerful gifts at our disposal.  The ability to create SILENCE is the most powerful of all, and a large reason for our inability to access it, is our divorce from nature.  The power in standing barefoot on earth, or breathing in a cool wind, or sitting resting against a tree, or napping in the grass has been forgotten.  Find a patch of earth, in a park, backyard or garden and sit, open up and feel something that we have forgotten.  Remembering what we once knew is the key for our rebirth into something which we have yet to experience...........Silence is the key.......and the most amazing thing is that as we reconnect with SILENCE, we reconnect with each other and the world around us in a deeper and more authentic way.  And we reconnect to the source of our creative inspiration.

When I forget the lessons of a quiet mind and spirit ,I seem to aimlessly struggle though my life and my creative endeavors with frustration and bitterness.  I am always amazed at how effortlessly that seems to fade away when I rediscover my greatest friend and muse..........SILENCE!

1 comment:

  1. I have a really hard time balancing what I perceive to be moving forward and finding silence. But I definitely miss it when I don't find time to put my feet in the dirt.
